From the Land of Sky Blue Waters

Today it's not really "the land of sky blue waters" so much as "the land of murky grey waters." But hey, they can't be sparkling all the time. It's like the part of the Montana state song that goes "Montana, Montana where skies are always blue." Like hell they are.
So I live here now. Okay, I don't live in the brush next to Lake Harriet (don't be so literal); I live in the greater Twin Cities metro area. Bloomington to be exact.

And guess who made the move with me? This guy!! Yep, Fredo Potato. He adores Pete and seems to be adjusting to life here quite well. He love-love-loves swimming in the lakes (not as cold as rivers in the summer, and no currents for his short little legs to contend with).

One of the main reasons Tato and I picked the MSP for our relocation program? Who could resist Peter in these glasses? Apparently not Fredo and me! He's pictured here with his godson Jayden. Very cool, guys :)
I have a little over a week until I start a new job and then shortly thereafter I start my new grad program at Hamline. In the meantime I'm trying to do some things to become more comfortable here. That entails a lot of driving around and trying not to get lost (so far, so good, mostly). Today it consisted of breakfast at French Meadow (delish) and walking my little guy around Lake Harriet. He loves meeting other puppies and chasing squirrels up trees.
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