From the Land of Sky Blue Waters

No, this isn't a blog about Hamms Beer. It's a blog about me, Anne. I'm a Montana girl who now calls Minnesota home. I'm missing the mountains and my family but loving the lakes and Peter. I wanted a way for everyone to keep tabs on me. So voila mon blog.

Friday, March 02, 2007

Pete is the best snow-shoveler EVER

There is nothing more romantic than a boy shoveling snow for you, and Pete is a champ. I don't mind helping shovel, but we only had one shovel. Or that's what we thought until today, when we discovered another snow shovel in the rafters of the garage.

Moving with all the snow has been an adventure. It's been like camping, but in a house. Things are really starting to come together, though. I've never spent so much time at Ikea and Home Depot in my life!

Many thanks to Pattie and John for coming down to help us move the bed. It was fun to see you guys!

Since I work at a school, today was a snow day for me. It was nice to have some extra time off. I really enjoyed watching the white-out conditions yesterday. I enjoyed it much more once Pete had picked me up from work and I was safely at home. The best part of the whole thing, though, was that my evening class at Hamline was cancelled. Hooray :)

Tomorrow Peter and Fredo Potato and I are headed up to Duluth to take in some hockey. It will be nice to get away for a little while, and even nicer to come home now that we have a house to come back to!


  • At 5:46 AM, Blogger Corey said…

    Home Depot and Lowes, will become your home away from home. I love and hate those two places. LOL


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