From the Land of Sky Blue Waters

No, this isn't a blog about Hamms Beer. It's a blog about me, Anne. I'm a Montana girl who now calls Minnesota home. I'm missing the mountains and my family but loving the lakes and Peter. I wanted a way for everyone to keep tabs on me. So voila mon blog.

Sunday, August 05, 2007

Des Jolies Fleurs

I have pretty flowers at my house now. It's so exciting to finally have my own garden. Not that all my gardens look this nice, but the one in the front of the house is lovely. See Exhibits A and B below.

Exhibit A: Zinnias

I saw a hummingbird buzzing around them this morning. They have also become a favorite of little yellow birds that Pete says are finches and lots of butterflies. :)

Exhibit B: Sunflowers

Yes, my eyes are closed in this picture (I blame Pete), but my sunflowers are HUGE. Pete picked out the seeds, and apparently they are of the "California King" variety. Which translates to being almost as tall as my house. They're just starting to get heads on them. They make me happy :)

I have big plans for the gardens next year now that I have more of an idea what's there already and what grows well.


  • At 8:01 PM, Blogger MikeyB said…

    Sun flower, I call that a tree. That thing is damn huge!


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