Spots of Sunshine
I was talking with mom yesterday and telling her how overwhelmed I'm feeling with school and work and everything else. I feel like I never have a moment to myself and I never have enough time to do anything well. She listened and we talked about it. Then she said that it wouldn't be this way forever, and that I would have my moments of sunshine and that I should be sure not to miss them.
My mom is the best and the smartest, too. Today I had many moments of sunshine:
1. This morning while letting Fredo outside, I noticed that the seeds I planted and put in our three-season porch have started to sprout! I was so excited! The bachelor buttons and gys-something-or-other that Pete picked started first. Then, when I got home a zinnia and cosmos had popped up, too. I love growing things!
2. Today at work I was back in my old classroom, and I liked it. I really miss those kids, and it was nice to spend a bit of time with them.
3. Adults are worthless, but kids are the best. At the end of the day we went outside to have snack and play until all the parents came. My co-workers kept talking, to each other and me, and I realized how pointless 99% of what adults say is. We ask questions and don't care/don't listen to the answers. We talk just to hear the sound of our own voices. I know that doesn't sound much like sunshine, but it was. Instead of partaking in pointless frittering away of the afternoon with grown-ups, I played with and talked to kids. I played soccer, I pushed everyone who wanted to swing instead of telling them to pump, I asked kids how they were and their weekend plans, I gave hugs, and I chatted with kids in time-out. It was great. I love those kids. They are priceless, even the ones who drive me crazy sometimes.
4. I came home and planted more seeds :) Hollyhocks, carnations, and sunflowers. Fredo knocked over most of my little pots while I went to get water, but I didn't care. He sniffed at the pots and helped me to cover the seeds up with dirt with his nose. I can't wait until these ones sprout, too!
So thanks, mom :) Without your words of wisdom I might not have realized what a gem today was. Sometimes you have to make your sunshine happen, and other times it sprouts up like the flower seeds that Pete picked out.
My mom is the best and the smartest, too. Today I had many moments of sunshine:
1. This morning while letting Fredo outside, I noticed that the seeds I planted and put in our three-season porch have started to sprout! I was so excited! The bachelor buttons and gys-something-or-other that Pete picked started first. Then, when I got home a zinnia and cosmos had popped up, too. I love growing things!
2. Today at work I was back in my old classroom, and I liked it. I really miss those kids, and it was nice to spend a bit of time with them.
3. Adults are worthless, but kids are the best. At the end of the day we went outside to have snack and play until all the parents came. My co-workers kept talking, to each other and me, and I realized how pointless 99% of what adults say is. We ask questions and don't care/don't listen to the answers. We talk just to hear the sound of our own voices. I know that doesn't sound much like sunshine, but it was. Instead of partaking in pointless frittering away of the afternoon with grown-ups, I played with and talked to kids. I played soccer, I pushed everyone who wanted to swing instead of telling them to pump, I asked kids how they were and their weekend plans, I gave hugs, and I chatted with kids in time-out. It was great. I love those kids. They are priceless, even the ones who drive me crazy sometimes.
4. I came home and planted more seeds :) Hollyhocks, carnations, and sunflowers. Fredo knocked over most of my little pots while I went to get water, but I didn't care. He sniffed at the pots and helped me to cover the seeds up with dirt with his nose. I can't wait until these ones sprout, too!
So thanks, mom :) Without your words of wisdom I might not have realized what a gem today was. Sometimes you have to make your sunshine happen, and other times it sprouts up like the flower seeds that Pete picked out.
At 2:59 PM,
Corey said…
Way to plant seeds of sunshine!
At 11:47 AM,
Aimee said…
I love to grow things too!
That was learned from my mother too.
At 4:12 PM,
Anonymous said…
Now that's an entry any mother would love! I concede that there are rare days when sunshine is harder to find - but it never fails that the next day is sunnier! Sunshine just doesn't stay hidden away for long. I find it comforting to know that. We can most always find it when we look and if not we just have to hold tight for a bit. Hope it's sunny there in MSP today! Love, Mom
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