From the Land of Sky Blue Waters

No, this isn't a blog about Hamms Beer. It's a blog about me, Anne. I'm a Montana girl who now calls Minnesota home. I'm missing the mountains and my family but loving the lakes and Peter. I wanted a way for everyone to keep tabs on me. So voila mon blog.

Tuesday, December 04, 2007


These are the only boots I have ever owned. When I was little, I used to hate them. While my friends were wearing slimmer, sleek, faux fur-lined black boots, I wore these clod-hoppers. I used to beg for different boots. At one point in elementary school my parents listened to my pleas. They bought me a pink pair of Sorels. Now that I'm older I realize that my feet were never cold in these boots. I still have a pair of them, and if they ever wear out (it takes FOREVER to wear out a pair of these), I will buy another pair. I hope they never change them. I used to think they were ugly, but now I think their functionality makes them kind of lovely. I know now what I was too young to realize then: cold weather gear is not supposed to be cute. If it is, then it's probably not going to do its job. I don't care if I look pretty outside in the winter; I just care if I'm warm. Plus I'm pretty sure that I can still look pretty wearing Sorels and a bomber hat :) When I have kids, these are the boots they will get no matter how much they beg for something else. Hopefully someday they will come to appreciate them as I have.


  • At 8:18 PM, Blogger Aimee said…

    yeah, I still have those boots from when I was a kid. Still fit even, and yes, they are clod-hoppers.

  • At 12:01 PM, Blogger Melanie said…

    Oh my ironic, my co-worker and I were just talking about this yesterday. We both agree that they weren't the cutest boots but they did keep feet warm.

    When I was younger my dad bought my sisters and I these boots and we too, hated them. We wanted 'cute' designer ones. My dad's comment was..."This isn't a fashion show, it's about staying warm." Even thought it took me quite some time...I now agree with my dad.

  • At 8:14 AM, Blogger Captain Random said…

    I grew up with a pair of grey Sorels. They are still down at my parents place, as they use them. Those things last FOR-EV-ER.


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