Happy Mother's Day!

With Mother's Day just a couple of days away, it seemed an opportune time to make this post. This picture, which was the only one of me and my mom readily available (thanks to Pete for putting it on Flickr), is of me telling my mom a secret on the patio of a Mexican restaurant up the Bitterroot.
First and foremost: Happy Mother's Day, Mom! I seriously have the best Mom ever. Her name is Avis, and she is an amazing resource and source of strength for me. She is incredibly wise, and I laugh harder with her than with anyone else. I guess it's not an accident that we both have the same quirky sense of humor. We have a habit of laughing at very inappropriate times (during quiet parts of movies, or worse, plays). There's something about knowing you shouldn't be laughing that makes you want to laugh more, and we feed off of each other, and pretty soon we're both in tears and people are looking at us like we're seriously deranged. My mom has taught me about so many things, but here are the ones that come to mind first: how to make every day special, the value of hard work, the magic of growing things, how to be a sports fan, the importance of family, and how to be a Noem. And that's just the beginning.
They say that girls grow up and become their mothers. I never put much stock in this, but I'm beginning to wonder. Not that I'd mind, because my mom is fantastic. I've always been told that we look alike, so that is no surprise. Since I've been out on my own, I've noticed some other similarities emerging as well. For instance, I have fully uncovered my gift for culinary disasters, particularly when company is expected. For example, putting muffin pans with plastic still on them into the hot oven, forgetting key ingredients, dumping things on the floor, burning myself. Pete will attest to this special gift. My mom and her mom are the only other people I've known to have such extreme tendencies, while still being great cooks (not that I'm a great cook, but I'm pretty good and I'm working on it). A real turning point happened the other day when Pete and I were at Chipotle. He asked if I wanted any more soda, and I replied, "No, I don't care for any." That is such a my mom thing to say. I never thought I would ever use that phrase. There's no fighting genetics, folks, and I'm okay with that. I have a mother who is beautiful inside and out, and I hope I'm lucky enough to be even a fraction as wonderful as she is.
So, Avis Ann, Happy Mother's Day :)
p.s. Dad, I've got some material for a Father's Day post, too, so stay tuned.
At 7:18 AM,
Guacaholic said…
What a nice post! Your mom sounds delightful.
At 9:41 AM,
Melanie said…
Your such a great daughter...I am sure you'll make your mom cry with those thoughtful words.
At 9:32 AM,
Anonymous said…
The biggest smile came on my face as I read this! How did I get so lucky in having you for my daughter? I would not be half the person I am without you. The things you say you learned from me, I learned from my mother and I remember her saying she learned them from her mother. So I guess we come from a good line. I love laughing with you Annebelle! Love, Mom
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